Team III Webserver Group
Team 3: Web Server
- File:Web Server - Team 3 Background and Strategy.pptx.pdf
- File:Web Server - Team 3 Final Presentation.pptx.pdf
Group Members - Aparna Maddala, Sonali Gupta, Ahish Sujay, Yiqiong Xiao, Allison Rozanski, Yuhua Zhang
Problem Statement
- Makes our work as bioinformaticians accessible to a wider audience
- Is easy-to-use, requires little bioinformatics knowledge to get the analysis results
- Is visually informative, easy on eyes
Design Objectives
Users should be able to
- Go through the entire pipeline from genome assembly to comparative genomics
- Only execute individual steps
- Easily execute the remainder of the pipeline from any intermediate step
Architecture Design
MVC Framework - MODEL
- Corresponds to all the data-related logic that the user works with
- Constitutes the computation, execution and visualisations
- Completely abstracted from the user
MVC Framework - View
Javascript, CSS, HTML
- Used for all the UI logic of the application
- Separates user from backend processing
MVC Framework - Controller
- Acts as an interface between Model and View components
- Responsible for validation of inputs from view and outputs from model before sending data to either of them
- Responsible for invocation of specific responses based on the requests received
Web server
- Software that understands URLs (web addresses) and HTTP (the protocol your browser uses to view webpages).
- It can be accessed through the domain names of websites it stores, and delivers their content to the end-user's device.