Team I Webserver Group: Difference between revisions

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Yzheng420 (talk | contribs)
Yzheng420 (talk | contribs)
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**Spades as alternative assembly method
**Spades as alternative assembly method
*The input FastQ files must be ‘’‘paired-end’‘’ reads
*The input FastQ files must be '''paired-end reads'''
*Outputs as '''FASTA file'''
*Outputs as '''FASTA file'''
*Visualisation: Quast output
*Visualisation: Quast output

Revision as of 03:21, 18 April 2020

Members: Devishi Kesar, Shuheng Gan, Winnie Zheng, Priya Narayanan, Aaron Pfennig




  • Provide a comprehensive, automated platform to analyze E.coli isolates in order to predict virulence factors and outbreak cluster
  • Functionalities of the webserver:
    • Identify virulence factors/microbial resistance and outbreak response for provided isolates
    • Allow data upload at each step of outline pipeline
    • Visualize findings in a comprehensible way
  • Design
    • Intuitive usage
    • Provide only essential options


  • Structure
  • Access to Webserver

Here is Link to access our webserver:


Genome Assembly

  • Performs de-novo assembly with FastQ files as input
  • Runs following tools by default:
    • fastp: read pre-processing
    • Unicycler: Genome assembly
  • Options:
    • Perform read preprocessing
    • Kmer-size
    • Spades as alternative assembly method
  • The input FastQ files must be paired-end reads
  • Outputs as FASTA file
  • Visualisation: Quast output

Gene Prediction

Functional Annotation

Comparative Genomics


Webserver Demo

  • Choice One: Running General Pipline
  • Choice Two: Running each step separately

